quant research

As part of our commitment to transparency, Proof publishes all of the research findings that inform our trading algorithm design.

October / 2021


Rejecting the Black Box

An inside look at the design of Proof Trading's new algorithm.

The notion of an "algorithm" sits both atop this hierarchy and outside it. If you consult a computer science textbook, the definition of algorithm will likely use words like "procedure" or "recipe" that are not intrinsically tied to the realm of computers.

April / 2024


Close Prediction

A new methodology for estimating closing auction size.

The closing auction can provide a fair amount of cover for large trades that might otherwise move the market. But misjudging the amount of cover on any particular day can lead a trader to expose too much interest and move the market against themselves, or to expose too little and miss an opportunity to complete more of their order while staying under the radar. In either direction, mis-estimation can be costly. There are many reasons to suspect, though, that decent predictions of closing auction size are possible. In this paper, we present our initial work on developing and evaluating models that attempt to predict closing auction sizes as a function of historical data from previous days as well as measurements that can be made earlier in the same trading day.

June / 2023


Information Leakage

A new framework for measuring and controlling information leakage.

We present a new framework for defining information leakage in the setting of US equities trading, and construct methods for deriving trading schedules that stay within specified information leakage bounds. Our approach treats the stock market as an interactive protocol performed in the presence of an adversary, and draws inspiration from the related disciplines of differential privacy as well as quantitative information flow. We apply a linear programming solver using examples from historical trade and quote (TAQ) data for US equities and describe how this framework can inform actual algorithmic trading strategies.

December / 2024


TCA: Public Analyses

Proof's design for public-facing TCA.

Here we develop and apply Proof’s framework for evaluating our trading performance. We have designed strong robustness and client privacy checks that enable us to make any stable results public. For latest results, please see the latest report below.

Results for 2024 trading data
Results for 2023 trading data
Results for 2022 trading data
Initial TCA design and early results

December / 2020



An initial approach to incorporating real time data into a VWAP algo.

Very few things about stock market prices are straightforward. Most people know they can vary quite quickly as a function of time. But this is just the first of many complications. You can't just ask: "What is the price for Apple right now?"

December / 2019



A framework for historical simulation of trading behavior.

"Back-testing" of trading strategies in US equities often comes with the caveat that "transaction costs" are not considered. This may appear to be a fundamental limitation of working with historical data: how can we know what would have happened in an interactive system if some party had behaved differently?

July / 2021


Distilled Impact

An approach for reducing market noise in transaction cost analyses.

For trading in US equities, measuring slippage is important and also hard. There is little agreement among market practitioners on how best to do so, and the most common approaches have serious limitations.

July 2021: Our latest approach, refines proxy symbol selection
September 2020: Our original approach and problem description

October / 2020


Pretrade Analysis

A method for modeling the price impact of a proposed trading activity as a probability distribution, based on historical data.

Pretrade analysis addresses the following scenario: we are considering trading a large amount of stock, and we want to predict what might happen if try to trade it over various timescales. Within a day? Within 3 days? How much more should we expect to pay in total implicit and explicit costs if proceed very aggressively versus very passively?

Proof Trading, Inc.
176 Broadway #15D
New York, NY 10038

Securities transactions are conducted through Proof Services LLC ("PSL"), a broker-dealer subsidiary of Proof Trading, Inc. Proof Services LLC is a member of FINRA and SIPC. Check the background of this Broker-Dealer and its registered investment professionals on FINRA's BrokerCheck.